Monday, August 5, 2019

Skylar's Diary - Day 9

"Are you ready to go out again, Skylar?"

"That depends. I'm definitely not wearing a skirt."

"You don't have to. "

"Can I put on a regular shirt?"

"That's certainly possible."

"And I want to do something nice."

"What would you like to do?"


"This is the proposal. We'll go shopping first, and then we'll go bowling."


I was allowed to wear a shirt and shorts, but Riley found another way to make me feel uncomfortable. She insisted on wearing a short top, so that my belly was a bit exposed. And she also gave me some bracelets and a simple black choker.

"You really want me to look like a girl, don't you?"

"I'm just adding some feminine elements. That's part of the program. But look at it this way, how many girls out there look like a boy?"

"A lot!"

"Indeed. Girls that look a bit like a boy is no issue, but the other way around is still uncomfortable. That's what we want to work on."

I came back again on the last time when we went shopping.

"Riley, when we bought those flats and those sandals, didn't that saleswoman realize that I was a boy?"

"Yes, that was funny."

"Why do you think that is? Am I that girly?"

"In the positive sense. You're still young, your hair is quite long, and you're also a good-looking boy, actually. The saleswoman also expected to serve a girl in the shop."

"Now I don't really know what to do. Should I try to pass as a boy with girly clothes? Or should I just try to make people think I'm a girl?"

"That choice is yours, Skylar. Both options are fine."

"And how do I make people think I'm a girl? I can't go hopping, can I?"

"Only little girls do that, Skylar. You certainly shouldn't fall into stereotypes. Then you stand out, and it's not really appropriate either. Just act normal, be nice, and show some self-confidence."

"But that's what I do when I'm a boy, isn't it?"

"I appreciate hearing that... Maybe there is one thing. Boys are more likely to walk in a crooked manner, while girls keep themselves much more upright. Walk as if you were being pulled up with your head on a rope, and keep your shoulders back. And what girls do more than boys is sway their arms as they walk."

So Riley wanted to go shopping with me for clothes. Mostly for her. She wanted to buy some new things, and would be happy if I could help her. I found it exhausting. Riley did check every item in the store. She also told me that if I saw something pretty, I had to show it to her. I found that difficult. A few times she laughed. "No way, Skylar, that blouse is horrible." or "That skirt really doesn't work for me." But every now and then it was also a hit. "Ah yes, that's beautiful, I'll try that on." She would try on some clothes, and she would ask me what I thought of them. "Good," I said, but she wasn't satisfied with that. "No, Skylar, give me details. What do you like about it? Do you like it better than the last one I wore? Is the size right?". Hey, learning to shop isn't easy.

"What's the point of all this, Riley?"

"I would like you to develop a little 'sense for fashion'. Your world is still too small. And when you're with someone later on, you're going to reap the rewards. You'll see."

I also noticed that while we were walking around, I made myself tall, as if I was pulled up by a rope on my head. That made me feel more stylish. "Your posture is lovely, Skylar," Riley confirmed. "You are radiating self-confidence." "I do feel more confident this way."

Shopping isn't really my thing, but Riley made it enjoyable. She also spotted fashion blunders, and commented on them. LOL. I like her. 

"Hello, Riley."

"Oh, hi."

Before I realized it, I had run into Mrs. Liang.

"Who was that?" Riley asked.

"Mrs. Liang, my English teacher. Is she looking behind?"

"No, she just keeps walking."

I was really upset about it. Someone from my school has now seen me in an outfit 'with feminine elements'. Could she have noticed something? I don't know.

"Don't worry, Skylar. Teachers these days are very discreet about their students. Is she a nice teacher?"

"Pretty much."

"It will be all right, then. Maybe she didn't even notice anything."

Shopping ended with a challenge for me: Buy the coolest girls' clothes you can find. It had to be something with a dress or a skirt, but apart from that it had to be as boyish as possible. Eventually I found and fitted something. Tomorrow I'll show you, Dear Diary.

As Riley promised, we went bowling afterwards. The hall was rather dark, and I found that comfortable. Moreover, most people were involved in their own games. The best part of all was that Riley was really terrible at bowling. This time she was embarrassed.  I had to teach her how to hold the ball and how to throw it. Ha, she finally learned something from me.

To: Skylar's Diary - Day 10


  1. Once again, this latest chapter was just LOVELY as Skylar is drawn more deeply into natural complicity and friendship with Riley and as Skylar follows Riley's gracious and inviting lead and absorbs valuable lessons about fashion and shopping and becomes more confident in her natural feminine posture and presence. All of this feels so exciting and so right to me !!! As always, i can't wait for the next chapter and am so eager to see Skylar's new outfit !!! i am so grateful for the sequential unfolding of these stories O O x x Laurianna Payot

    1. Thanks again, Laurianna. I guess Riley provides the kind of guidance we all have wished for. Hugs and kisses, ukkiezorro.
