Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Skylar's Diary - Day 11

"So, did you sleep well last night?"

"Yes, but I don't think that nightie has magical powers that make me sleep better."

"You're funny."

That's how the session started with Riley, but what an end! But I'll keep you in suspense, Dear Diary. 

As far as the clothing is concerned, Riley had chosen a theme: materials, and more specifically see-through materials. They have something very sensational, Riley said, both for the wearer and the viewer. They have an incomparable lightness, which gives a very special feeling for the wearer. The viewer sees that the body is covered with fabric, but this is transparent, so that you can still see a little of the body. It is typical of female fashion that parts of the body are shown, but by using transparent fabrics, you are also hiding something. That's an interesting field of tension, she said. Hm, I'd never thought of it like that before. 

She asked me to wear an outfit with a sheer skirt. Underneath I was wearing black shorts. The top had no straps, so my shoulders were completely exposed. To finish it off, Riley also gave me a necklace.

"What do you think of it?", Riley asked. "Can you compare it with your outfit from yesterday."

"Both outfits are black, but this is more sensual. I understand now what that means. The funny thing is that I'm wearing shorts now, and yet I feel more feminine than in yesterday's skirt. That see-through skirt is so delicate, and I think that makes it so feminine."

"And the top?"

"Also unfamiliar, a new sensation. I do have a couple of tank tops already with rather thin straps, but when they disappear completely, it feels very different. Again I feel very exposed in that place."

"Can you walk back and forth for a while?"

"Yes, also very sensual, how that skirt moves slowly, and flares up far behind me when I walk."

"Do you want to try something else?"

"Yes, that's all right."

I was getting used to this routine. I try on stuff, I comment, and I proceed. What matters, is that I have new experiences.

"Here, from every woman's assortment: sheer pantyhose, with or without pattern. You have to be very cautious when putting them on. Gather a leg from the pantyhose to the toe, and then carefully insert your foot into it. Now pull up the pantyhose carefully."

Wow, again so delicate, I thought. "Why are women wearing this anyway?"

"Oh, for several reasons. It makes the color of your skin more even, and hides all the little imperfections. It makes your leg look more beautiful and smooth. It also gives warmth when it's colder outside, and it reduces friction. And if there's a pattern in it, you'll have another decoration. Women like to make themselves beautiful, remember?"

I'm beginning to understand what Riley is trying to do. She wants me to get to know the world of women and girls. Today’s focus was on sensuality, and that's a feeling I didn't know yet. All this girl’s clothes thing, I can handle it now, to try all this at home, but sometimes I also think "What if one of my friends would see me like this?" Just when I thinking that, Riley asked.

"Suppose you have to choose. Option A: your friends will see you in yesterday's outfit, in a skirt, or option B: your friends will see you in this outfit, with shorts and pantyhose. What do you choose?"


"Come on, Skylar, play along with the game. We're not really going to do this."

I needed some time.

"Okay, then I'm going for Option A. I see boys wearing skirts more easily than pantyhose." Then I thought I'd ask a question as well.

"Do you have a friend, Riley?"

"Uh yeah, I've had a boyfriend for a while now."

"And was he the first one who kissed you?"

"No, but do you really want to talk about that, about kissing?"

"Maybe I do."

"Well, my first kiss was with a girl, a friend. Just on the mouth.  Just for fun, but also to give it a try. Girls often do that."

"What? Girls kiss each other on the mouth?"

"Not all the time of course, but girls talk to each other about these things, and sometimes we experiment a bit. It's actually a good way to learn how to kiss. Have you ever kissed before?"

"Uh, no."

"Shall I teach you?"

"What? Are you going to kiss me?"

"Don't worry. Not if you don't want to.  Maybe that's tip number 1 already. Make sure she wants it too. Sometimes you can just ask 'is it okay if I kiss you?'. And don't worry, I have no inappropriate intentions with you. I love my boyfriend."

"First tell me what you're going to do."

"Well, first the preparation. A good posture is important. Either you stand up straight, opposite each other, or you sit next to each other, on a bench or in the couch, facing  each other."

While she was telling me, she came to sit next to me on the bed, and looked at me.

"Then, when you're pretty sure she is willing, you move your head a little closer."

She approached me.

"... but then you stop. This gives her the chance to retreat. She might stand up, or she might turn her head away. But if she doesn't move her head, or if she comes even closer, then you’ve hit the jackpot. At that moment the hearts start to beat faster."

Well, that was certainly the case with me.

"Then you tilt your head a little, to prevent your noses from bumping into each other, and you get closer again.

Her head was now a few inches from mine.

"Keep your mouth shut, and breathe through your nose. Aim your eyes at her lips."

I did what she said, but became very passive. I allowed her to do it. She came even closer, and gently pressed her lips against mine. And she kissed.

She paused.

I was frozen.

"I'm not going any further than this, Skylar. But when it happens, you could go further. You can kiss a few more times, or, while your lips are touching each other, stick out your tongue a little bit, and caress her lips with your tongue. Maybe she will do the same. Do it softly and slowly. How long you do this depends on you."

I was speechless. There I was, on my bed, wearing shorts and pantyhose. Riley was wearing an ordinary pair of jeans. It was as if she was the boy, and I was the girl. For Riley, it seemed to be no big deal for her. For me, it was an emotional roller coaster. I do like her, but I don't see her as my girlfriend. The kiss was sensual, but it didn't mean much, although... I was confused, and still am a bit…

"I'm telling you, Skylar. Every couple remembers their first kiss, so it's important that you make it a very nice memory."

"Thank you, Riley."

That's all I could say. I was stunned for a moment. Riley quietly grabbed her things and left.

Dear diary, I'm going to stop here for today. Actually I should also tell you what I'm supposed to do tomorrow at school, a new challenge from Riley, but I'll tell you that tomorrow.

In the meantime, I've also changed the list of girl properties.


  1. i ABSOLUTELY LOVED this latest chapter, how it passed over any detailed discussion of Skylar's new nightgown (as important as that is) to introduce him to the marvelous alluring sensuality of diaphanous skirts and silky hosiery. In this wonderful chapter we also see Riley introduce Skylar to the tenderness of a kiss. Of course, i was thrilled to notice that Skylar assumed the receptive role in this. What is so important to me in these WONDERFUL writings are the joyously marvelous opportunities they provide to me to recover my own girlhood, in a sense, to live my girlhood for the first time, to restore it, and to absorb all the marvelous invitations and lessons and training in femininity that were so lacking in my own experience, at least after the age of five. i suppose that we shall see what choices Skylar ultimately makes as (s)he is given all options in the creation of his / her own identity. i know how i would chose, because i know how i have chosen. Gratefully O O x x Laurianna Payot

    1. Rest assured that Skylar picks up everything he is learning here. At some point in the future, he will benefit from all this. But expect some obstacles as well...

  2. i know that there are obstacles !!! i am so interested to see if or how Skylar overcomes them !!! i have learned that the greatest obstacle is within ourselves. When we have the courage to be ourselves, we may be vulnerable but we can be so much happier !!! O O x x Laurianna
