Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Skylar's Diary - Day 20

I hadn't showered last night before I went to sleep. I still had a little smell of Raven, and I didn't want to wash that smell off me. I think I'm starting to go crazy.

At school Raven brought my school supplies. Other than that, not much special happened at school. 

Today's big news came in the evening. Riley came, but not alone. Raven was with her. "I'll explain you later why Raven is here," said Riley, "but first she wants to give you a present."

"A present? How sweet."

"Here, open it."

She gave me a package, and I could already feel that they were clothes. I opened it, and I saw...

"That's the dress I tried on yesterday."

"Exactly. I went to buy it today."

"Raven, you really didn't have to do that."

"Oh, but I thought you were so cute in that dress, and Riley also contributed."

"Well, thank you."

"Go ahead, put it on, then Riley can see it too."

I put on the dress, and showed myself to Riley and Raven. As if it's the most normal thing in the world. As if we were three girlfriends among each other. As if the me from three weeks ago no longer exists. The me of today likes to wear a dress like this. And I can admit this to myself.

"It suits you very well," said Riley.

"Actually I feel like hugging you," see Raven.

"Well, then do it," I said.

Raven jumped up and grabbed me firmly. I could smell her. It was the same smell as yesterday. I enjoyed her hugging me.

"Riley, is it okay if I keep this dress on for today's session?"

"Of course."

"What are we going to do today, with Raven around?"

"I want to discuss something with both of you. It's actually a request."

"Now I'm curious."

"Me too," said Raven.

"Good. I'm going to tell you now that it's a very unusual request, especially for you, Skylar. Maybe I'd better tell you right away what it's all about. I'm looking for two bridesmaids."

"Yes," yelled Raven. "Oh no!," I said at the same time.

"No way, Riley, this is going too far," I continued.

"Wait, Skylar, let me explain first."

Meanwhile, Raven had come to sit next to me, in front of Riley.

"Look, this is how it's put together. A good friend of mine is getting married in a week, and yesterday I was with her to prepare the ceremony. It is no ordinary ceremony as you will learn soon. We came up with the idea to ask two extra bridesmaids. I immediately thought of the two of you."

"No, no, no", I said.

"Wait a minute, Skylar. I'm going to be honest with you. This is something I would never ask most of my customers. Usually, I never ask them to go that far, but I still ask you because I think you will be able to. If you really don't want to, I won't blame you, by the way. I'm not going to insist."

"Are you going to put me in one of those white dresses?"

"Yes, and Raven too."

"But why do you ask me? There are plenty of girls like Raven who would like to do this, aren't there?"

"Like I said, it's no ordinary ceremony. My girlfriend will marry a woman. A special woman, because she was born as a man. That's why we thought it would be very symbolic to ask a boy and a girl as bridesmaids."

"Oh, what a great idea," shouted Raven.

"So everyone will know that I am a boy? I can't even pretend to be a girl?"

"Would you like that, Skylar? I think it's an advantage. You don't have to pretend. There's no secret to hide."

"Riley, there are only three people who have seen me in a dress: you, Raven, and my mother. And now maybe a hundred people are going to see me. And know that I am a boy. I really can't do this."

"I do understand you, Skylar, I know that I ask a lot of you now, but I am also sure that all those people will find you very brave. And you're going to look beautiful. We'll take care of that. You're only going to be praised."

"I can't get used to that idea."

Then Raven started.

"Skylar, listen. There are a few things you should know. First, I'm sure you can do this. You look good in a dress, as it turns out again today. You are already used to it. There are few, very few boys who could do this. Secondly, I would also admire you enormously if you want to do this. I already think you're a very nice boy, but if you do that, I'd really find you unbelievably great super fantastic. Thirdly, I've never had the chance to be a bridesmaid before. I would hate to miss this opportunity, but I can't do this alone. There have to be two of us, and given the special brides pair, it has to be a boy. Maybe Riley will find another boy, but I won't know him, so that's not so much fun for me, and who knows, maybe that boy doesn't want to do that with me, but with a girlfriend of his, and then I'll get very upset."

"Can I have some more time to think about it?"

"Of course, Skylar, but we can't wait days."

"Oh, I was just thinking about an hour or two, or so."

"So you want to consider it."

"Yes, but I just need to put my mind on something else first."

We went to the living room and talked a lot. About our shopping experience yesterday, our meeting with Mrs. Liang, about my first makeup experience. Raven asked if I had taken a picture, but I had to disappoint her. Of course, we didn't just talk about me. We also talked about Riley's studies, about our favorite series on TV, about school... I really enjoy talking to Riley and Raven. Meanwhile, I thought about Riley's request. At one point, I said:

"I'll do it."

"What, Skylar?"

"The wedding, I will do it."

"WOOHOO!!!" Raven jumped up and began to dance so joyfully. "YES!  YES! 
YES!" she shouted. "I'm going to be a bridesmaid! I'm going to be a bridesmaid! Together with my best friend!"

I've never seen Raven so excited. For that reason alone, one would do it.

"Oh Skylar, you are the most wonderful boy I know." She jumped on me, and hugged me again.

"It's all right, it's all right, Raven, but be aware that I still need a lot of time to prepare for this."

"Of course, Skylar," Riley continued, "but we're going to give you the best help that is available."

Mom came in a little later. Of course she had to know this as well, but she was totally into it.

"You are going to be the most beautiful male bridesmaid that ever existed." I don't remember who said it first, but these three women see this as a project. A project for which they will do everything they can to make it a success. I remain insecure. Didn't I say yes just to please Riley, and especially Raven? Will it be of any benefit to me? What if someone I know sees me? I hope that I will be able to sleep well tonight.

To: Skylar's Diary - Day 21


  1. Dear ukkiezrro: Your latest story is simply beyond LOVELY, and i wish to add how believably it reflects changing times !!! i Absolutely LOVE how this chapter opens up such wonderful new possibilities for Skylar. i feel that your writing is so very important, not to mention just how thrilling it is to me. i am beside myself awaiting future chapters !!! O O x x O O x x Laurianna

    1. Thanks for your continuous support, Laurianna. Perhaps a little spoiler, but the next days in Skylar's life will be a bit discouraging...
