Monday, August 26, 2019

Skylar's Diary - Day 28

Yesterday seemed like the best day of my life. Today was even better, although the day started very quietly. I slept for a long time, and then I went out to brunch with my mother. In the afternoon I played some games, and then I got a message from Raven. "Is it okay if I drop by tonight? There are still clothes of mine with you." "Of course" I answered.

She arrived quite late. Because I knew that Raven was coming, I had put on the dress of our first meeting. I straightened up nicely, and walked as elegantly as possible. Not too feminine, just radiating confidence. I could tell from her face that she liked it. She was wearing skinny jeans and a big sweater. Her clothes were already nicely washed and ironed ready in my room, so we went there for a while. I sat down on the bed, and she was standing at my desk. Her clothes were on it. 

"Skylar, I also want to tell you that I really enjoyed it yesterday. I thought it was a wonderful day."

"So did I.”

"But that's mainly because of you. I think you did a great job, the whole ceremony and so. And then the dancing at the party. I still can't believe how wild we have been. I am not kidding: I've never had so much fun before."

"Raven, without you, none of this would have happened. That ceremony went so well, because you helped me so well. And I danced wildly, because you danced wildly."

It stayed quiet for a while. Then she asked:

"May I sit next to you for a moment?"

"Of course."

She came to sit next to me on the bed, but didn't say anything. She looked at me. I looked at her. Suddenly it seemed as if her head was getting a little closer, but she stopped. I kept looking at her. Then I looked at her lips. I also came a little closer. She didn't move, she was looking at my lips now. My heart began to beat faster, because I knew what was going to happen.

And it happened. Slowly her head came closer to mine. She closed her eyes. I closed my mouth, and I breathed through my nose. She tilted her head a little to the left. I did that too. I touched her lips with my lips. Very gently. For a moment, but we stayed close together. I kissed her lips. She put a hand on my knee. I put a hand on her back.

We kissed each other on the mouth several times. That was the only sound in the room. Our lips then stayed together a little longer. I stuck out my tongue a little bit, and caressed her lips. For a moment. She moaned, very quietly. I did it again. She caressed my leg. Gently. I stroked her back. Gently.

She also stuck out her tongue. A little bit. The tips of our tongues were rubbing gently against each other, slowly and gently. It was quiet in the room, I heard her breath, I saw her up close, I smelled her skin, I felt her body, I tasted her tongue. These feelings were beyond description, because I had never felt anything like it before, and I loved it. We kissed each other for a long time. Time seemed to stand still.

We stopped for a moment.

"Wow," she said quietly.

"Wow," I said quietly.

We didn't know what to say yet. She came closer again, we kissed again, and suddenly she pushed me on the bed. We were lying next to each other on our side, and we kissed. It seemed more intense now, a bit wilder. But I loved it, and I felt that she loved it too. How nice it was to feel what someone else felt. Again time seemed to stand still.

So much excitement, we got a bit tired of it. We lay next to each other on the bed, and looked at the ceiling. This was my first kiss, and I realized that I would remember that first kiss for the rest of my life.



"I thought yesterday was the best day of my life, but this day is even better."

"That's what I think of it."


"Really, or we can say that this day still belongs to the previous one."

"Good idea."

"You know what I would like now?"


"That we can stay here on the bed. As long as we want. A week or so. The rest of the world can get lost."

"That's what I would like too, Skylar, but... I have to go home, it's late."

"I'm so sad about that."

"Tomorrow we'll see each other again, at school."

"I'm not going to be able to do anything but look at you."

She smiled. "Are we going to do something fun after school?"

"Yes, if it's up to me, every day, but not too long, because tomorrow night Riley is coming."

"OK. We have a date. I have to leave now."

"Raven? Did you really come just to pick up your clothes?"

"I wanted to see you too, I admit that. I wasn't really looking for something, but I do know now that I’ve found it."

I smiled. She kissed me on the mouth and left.

So this is cloud nine, Dear Diary. I never want to get off again. Raven left an hour ago. I'm going to bed right away, in my pink nightie, dreaming of Raven. I just got a message from her. " Sleep well, very first and best boyfriend ever", and a heart and a kiss. I'm going to send something back soon.

To: Skylar's Diary - Day 29


  1. Dear ukkiezorro: Each of your new chapters is so THRILLING and each builds so sensitively on everything that has preceded it. i LOVE that the day begins with Skylar sharing a pleasant brunch with her mother (i would have loved to listen in on some of their tender conversation). Did Skylar help with the laundry (Raven's things) ??? i also LOVE that Skylar is beginning to develop such lovely new habits and that she anticipates Raven's evening visit by adjusting her posture and dressing in the sweet moss-green waist-less dress that she wore when she "first" met Raven. i LOVE the comfortable naturalness of Raven's skinny jean and sweater top outfit. i also LOVE Raven's gentle assertiveness and Skylar's expectant vulnerability when she and Raven are sitting together on the bed. And then the KISS, which so closely echoes the little lesson that Riley had so kindly given to little Skylar now so many days ago. i was happy to leave Skylar to her sweet dreams in her little pink nightie, with a heart and a kiss. i just hope that Raven can take her in hand at school and be protective of her in the days and weeks and months to come. i just hope that Skylar and her mom will continue to develop such a lovely and close relationship. i am wondering if the wedding couple might invite Raven and Skylar for a brunch in their beautiful home and what visions of the possible that may open up to Skylar. When is Skylar going to have her hair styled ??? How is she going to enjoy and feel the need for her makeup ??? i can see Skylar applying her makeup in anticipation of a date with Raven and can even see her gradually beginning to use makeup to look her best each and everyday. Will Skylar's plain room gradually transform into a sweet feminine sanctuary ??? Will someone give Skylar a gift of a lovely baby-doll nightie ??? Will Skylar become more and more confident in her femininity ??? i so eagerly and gratefully anticipate each and every new chapter of Skylar's story. This is so thrilling and important to me, because i experience these stories as such an affirmation of the possible, of the desirable, of how life can and should be, of all my dreams and wishes being made true, and being made possible for girls like me who just want to be HAPPY and GOOD and to be confirmed in our SWEET dreams. Hearts and Kisses !!! O O x x O O Laurianna

    1. Oh, wow, Laurianna, so many wonderful suggestions! I'm afraid I won't be able to handle them all (but rest assured that the brunch with mother was full of love). Your ideas are truly inspiring, and will help me to make the story more complete. Thanks for this! You must be a very good reader also, since you clearly see the links with the past events. I guess you look forward to new chapters as I look forward to your lovely comments. xxx ukkiezorro
