Sunday, August 25, 2019

Skylar's Diary - Day 27

Dear Diary, if you want to know how someone's best day in life might turn out, I'll tell you now. It's late now, I just had a little sleep in the car. But even though it was a tiring day, I still have enough energy to write this down.

The day started early. Getting up, showering, having breakfast. Riley would pick up Raven and come home to us. Raven came in pirouetting. What a lovely girl. Riley was already wearing a nice dress, and was already made up. She looked beautiful. Mother was almost ready. They had to, because they would still have a lot of work to do on us (Raven and I).

Raven and I put on our dresses, and we had to sit next to each other. Riley was doing the makeup on Raven, and my mother was doing me. That way they could compare all the time, because their goal was to have our makeup in the same style. It was certainly not the intention to exaggerate, we went for a nude look. You don't really see the makeup, but you do look better.

We got in the car, and drove to the hall. Raven and I were sitting in the backseat. I started to get very nervous, and Raven had noticed. I guess that's why she started talking to me about everyday things, so that my attention was distracted. I could appreciate her jokes.

We arrived quite early, but I thought that was good, because then I could get used to the situation. Raven and I immediately went to the place where we had to wait for the two brides, but we were standing there still rather relaxed. There were already some people, but we were ignored. To be honest, that comforted me, since I became more and more nervous. Suddenly Raven poke me with her hip. 

"That dress looks so great on you."

I smiled nervously, and didn't know how to react. She poke me again.

"Damm girl, you look good."

"Raven, why are you doing this?"

"I’m giving you a compliment, to give you confidence. "

"Ah, ok."

She poke me again.

"You have to give back a compliment now, dude."

I must have drawn a silly face, because I still didn't say anything back. Probably because of the nerves.

"You know, like girls on social media do," said Raven.

I figured it out. I poked her back with my hip.

"And you're all gorgeous!"

"Oh, but look at you, have you seen yourself?"

"Your hair looks amazing."

"You've got such nice eyes."

"I love your smile."

"Children. Children. They have arrived." Mother came to tell us that the bridal couple had arrived. Raven's game did ease the tension in me a bit, but now my heart was at 200 a minute. I think I've never been so nervous. For a moment I hoped that all this wouldn't happen. I wish I was at home, sitting comfortably in the couch. But running away was of course not an option now. It would have been the most cowardly act ever. The master of ceremony gave the sign. Now Raven and I had to step forward. The music started. I looked at Raven, right in her eyes. She smiled, and we took off.

And suddenly all my fears were gone. It had begun. Raven and I walked forward, with more than a hundred looks at us. Friendly looks. I heard some ooh's and ah's. It felt perfect. Everything was right, and I liked it. It was good to be there. With Raven. In a dress.

Everything went smoothly. The whole ceremony. It was all so beautiful. The lyrics, the music, the indication of the rings. Without thinking about it, I sat on my chair as it should be: nice and straight, flowers on my lap, legs together, ankles crossed. The ceremony ended, and the formal part was over. The atmosphere was exhilarating. Everyone was so happy that everything had gone so well. Of course I was also very happy. Everyone congratulated everyone, and the party could begin.

The reception took place in a beautiful garden behind the hall. The bridal couple stood at the entrance to welcome the people, and to receive the congratulations. Raven and I were allowed to do whatever we wanted, and we walked through the garden. Raven was of course also happy that everything had gone so well.

At one point the photographer came to both of us. He wanted to take some pictures of the two of us. Oh no, now we have to pose, I thought. I can’t do that. But it was a professional photographer who gave us very clear instructions, and also encouraged us constantly. This also turned out to be very enjoyable for Raven and me. There was one awkward moment though. The photographer asked me to give Raven a kiss. A simple kiss, on the cheek, but I wasn't sure if Raven would want that. That uncertainty didn't last long, because Raven offered her cheek. And as you know, a photographer always takes multiple pictures, so I had to give multiple kisses. 

And then it had to be the other way around. "Wait a minute," Raven said, and she took lipstick and rubbed her lips with a thick layer of red lipstick. "What are you doing now?" I said. And before I knew it, she gave me a very big kiss on my cheek. And then she laughed long and loudly, because of course there was a giant lipstick print on my cheek now. The photographer made some close-ups of it. After that Raven helped me to get those lips off my cheek.

During the reception a lot of people came to congratulate us, especially me. How well we performed. How good we looked. How brave that I was. How stylish I did it. I gratefully received all those congratulations. Meagan also came by to say how feminine I came across, and that she meant that as a compliment. I keep finding it a strange compliment, but I appreciated it.

There was an exquisite buffet. Lovely, then you can choose for yourself what will be on your plate. I have eaten quite a lot, and it was very cozy at the table with Raven, Riley and mother. I was sitting between Raven and mother, and felt a bit protected that way.

And the best was yet to come, Dear Diary. The dancing. In the beginning I really didn't feel like it, but not feeling like it is not an option with Raven. At one point they played a song that is also on our computer dance game. Raven and I had already danced to it at home. So, she grabbed my wrist, and pulled me to the dance floor. As I said, saying no is not an option for Raven. Thanks to the computer game, I knew which movements to make. The funny thing was that Raven made the same moves. We had a lot of fun, and suddenly I noticed that there were people watching us. And then something happened, Dear Diary, that I had never thought possible.

Suddenly I experienced a freedom I had never felt before. I danced and I was happy. I realized that I was dancing there, me, a boy in a dress, and many people around me. But I felt free and happy like never before. All the tensions of the previous days and weeks were gone. I experienced the world as Raven had described it. A world in which you can be whoever you want, a world in which you are even appreciated for who you are. What a wonderful world, what a wonderful feeling to be accepted. This is what Riley must have meant by gender liberation.

And I kept dancing, to every song, wilder and wilder. Raven first looked with big eyes as if she wanted to say "How crazy are you now?", but she joined in. She tried to outdo me in madness. Our moves got crazier and crazier. I used muscles that I didn't even know existed. We laughed ourselves into stitches. I was euphoric. I was who I was. Skylar, the boy in a dress. In a trance.

Then there was also a slow dance. First the married couple started, and then they invited other people. I had self-confidence, a lot of self-confidence. Now I took Raven by the hand, to the dance floor, and we danced a slow dance. For the first time ever, I noticed that Raven was now uncomfortable. She wasn't used to this. We looked each other in the eye, but said nothing. Her gaze was different. A little insecure. She smiled with her lips, but her eyes said something else. And what do you have to say at such a moment? Suddenly she came closer, and she laid her head on my shoulders. I smelled her hair. Delicious smell. I pressed her gently against me. Raven is the coolest girl ever.

And at some point we had to go home anyway. I fell asleep in the car. I hadn't even noticed when Raven got out, because they let me sleep.

So I've only just got home. I took off my makeup, and took a quick shower. I am now wearing my pink nightdress, and I still feel the euphoria. Tomorrow is a day of rest. I'm going to sleep late. First I'll quickly expand my list.


  1. Dear ukkiezorro, Thank you for another LOVELY LOVELY story and further steps forward in Skylar's liberation into her joyous femininity !!! i don't have time to tarry at the moment but i do so wish to express my gratitude to you as soon as i can !!! O O x x O O Laurianna

    1. You're welcome, Laurianna. Short comments are appreciated as well! xxx ukkiezorro
