Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Skylar's Diary - Day 15

Finally a relaxing day, Dear Diary. I went to school, and when Raven saw me arriving, she waved at me. I waved back (with the hand on which I wore the bracelet). During school hours we didn't talk to each other, but when school was over, she was waiting for me at the exit.

"Hi, Skylar"

"Hi, Raven"

"Shall we just walk to the city center?"

"That's fine."

We walked into the city and talked about everyday things. What happened at school and stuff. We didn't say anything about yesterday. At one point we came across a shop window of a clothes shop, and I said (why, I don't know, it happened spontaneously):

"What a cute little skirt."

"Oh yes, do you mean that white one, with the blue stripes?"


"I'm gonna try that on."

So we went into the shop, and looked for the skirt in the racks. Raven found it, and her size was available. She took it to the fitting booths, and a little later she came out again, wearing the skirt.

"And what do you think?"

"Now it looks even more cute," I said.

Raven looked in the mirror, and said "I think I'll buy it."

But suddenly she seemed to change her mind. 

"Oh no, I can't. You spotted the skirt first. Maybe you want it?"

"Oh no, that was really not my intention."

"Maybe not, but I don't have the right to snatch this away from you. Maybe it looks better on you."

"I don't think so."

"...but you don't know until you're wearing it. Come on, try it on."

"Raven, please be quiet, everyone can hear you."

"Oh yes, sorry," she whispered, "but I think you should put it on."

"No way, please don't insist."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Buy it."

"OK, but if I see something nice, you can try it on first."

"We'll see."

No, Dear Diary, I'm not ready for this yet. This is going too fast. Although I wanted to suggest an alternative.

"Do you know what you can help me with? I would like to buy nail polish, in a cool color, so that I dare to wear it to school."

"Oh fine."

So there we were, Raven and I, in a cosmetics shop, looking for nail polish for me. Raven went straight to a saleswoman (before I could intervene).

"Do you also have nail polish for boys?"

"Of course," said the saleswoman, "come with me."

I found it a bit embarrassing again, but realized that I was not allowed to show it. Just act normal, show self-confidence. The saleswoman pulled out several jars, and Raven commented.

"I wouldn't choose black, Skylar, that's too gothic. Shades of red and pink may be too risky to go to school. Here, a grey variant, which I find suitable for boys."

Raven did not hesitate. She asked me to put my hand on the table, and colored the nail of one finger.

"What do you think of it?"

"Perfect." I really liked the color, and of course I didn't feel like stretching all this for a long time. I paid for one jar, and we went outside again.

"You know what? Let's get something to eat, and in the meantime I'll help you with your nails."

"All right."

And there we were again, eating a snack, while Raven carefully painted my nails, one by one. She seemed to enjoy it. Raven is the kind of girl who does everything, or almost everything, with a smile. I like her.

"Raven, is it okay for you if I tell at school tomorrow that you've painted my nails?"


I thought that would be a good plan. When you say that someone else has done that, it's more like it's not your own decision.

"Haven't you noticed anything about Riley?" Raven suddenly started talking about Riley.

"No, what do you mean?"

"When she comes with stuff, how does she deal with it?"

"Very careful, and very orderly."

"Exactly, that's what I mean. Riley seems obsessed with order. You should see her room and her wardrobe. Everything is extremely neat and tidy."

"I can imagine that. She always seems to strive for perfection."

"Do you know what you should do? If she comes by again, you have to make some more mess, and then you have to see how she reacts."

"OK, I will, but she's not coming today. From now on, she doesn't come every day anymore. I'll do it tomorrow."

I think we've been hanging around for about two hours in total. Then we both went home.

"I enjoyed hanging out with you again," said Raven.

"Yes, we should do this more often." That was my brave attempt to arrange another date.

"Sure," she said. "Phew", I thought.

Dear Diary, while I'm writing this, it's almost bedtime. I am already wearing my pink nightdress. I like to wear it while I'm writing. I now also realize that today I have actually been gossiping with Raven. I have to change my list again. And if I'm honest, I have to indicate number 1 as well. I am not sure yet about number 2.


  1. Dear ukkiezorro: i wish i could linger here with all the complex responses that i felt in my intent reading of your latest marvelous chapter of Skylar's story. i LOVE the psychological interplay of this chapter, especially Skylar's innate timidity, which seems so natural to me, as well as Raven's breeziness and self-confidence, adding of course her mischievousness in suggesting that Skylar make a mess to see how Riley will react !!! What seems so true to me is that boys do need all the help that they can get, and i am thrilled to see that Riley is getting help, from his mom, from Riley, from Raven, until he can perhaps find more confidence and more appeal in simply being sweet and cute and friendly, and good, and pretty, and more willingness to understand and accept his own weakness and vulnerability and the need to be protected. But i don't want to project too much of myself here . . . i am so grateful for these stories because they open up a magical new world of possibilities for a happier and more natural future !!! O O x x Laurianna

    1. How lovely that you can derive those personalities (as I was imagining them) from the conversations between Skylar and Raven. Both Riley and Raven always push Skylar a bit over the edge, but they are always there to catch him if he falls.

  2. PS . . . i also loved that this latest chapter closes with Skylar wearing his pink nightdress. i felt that i was finally well on my way to completely accepting my own innate femininity when i became so un-self-consciously content in my chiffon baby-dolls--even during the daytime--when i went to sleep in my perfumed bed filled with sweet thoughts in blissful anticipation of a nighttime of feminine dreams !!!

    1. There was a bit of me in that last scene as well, since I have been wearing old nighties from my wife as well (without any objection)...

  3. I agree that the image of Skylar writing in his pink nightie captured my attention, if you know what i mean ;)
