Sunday, September 1, 2019

Skylar's Diary - Day 32

Peace and quiet had returned to school. The excitement of the previous day was over. I followed mother's advice: pay a lot of attention to Raven, ignore Brandon. That worked. It was a good day at school. I brought Raven home, we kissed.

When I came home, I ate with my mother. She said that Riley had come by and that she had a package for me. After that Riley had left again. Mother had put the package in my room. Mother was going out tonight, so I would be home alone.

In the package were all kinds of things, and also a card. "Enjoy" it said. I quickly looked at the items, but first wanted to take a shower. I wanted to feel clean and fresh first.

I had asked for this myself. The past few weeks I have tried many things, and I have experimented a lot. Beautiful clothes, feminine clothes, different styles, nail polish, jewelry, makeup ... Dancing, shopping, crying, doing crazy, laughing, talking, kissing ... Things I liked, things I liked less.

There were a few more things I hadn't yet tried, but I don't think Riley wanted to push me. As she said, I have to make the next choices myself. If Riley wasn't backing those choices, she'd say something about them. I don't have to feel guilty. I think all the girls are trying to do this at some point. Probably with their mother's stuff.

When I took the items out of the package, I immediately felt how delicate they were. So light, so soft. As if they were asking for it, I took the garments between my thumb and index finger. One by one I took them out of the package, and laid them neatly on the bed. I still had a towel wrapped around my body, but that wasn't really necessary. I was home alone anyway.

The first set I tried was a pair of panties and a bra with red and pink stripes, and ruffled hems. The bra was filled. How thoughtful of Riley to think about that. I put on everything, and at first I just stood still. I looked at myself, also in the mirror. I closed my eyes, and tried to feel very intensely. The delicacy of the stuff seemed to transform my body. My body was delicate, my skin was soft, I felt fragile and vulnerable. I went over the fabric with my fingers. Silky fabric. Ultimate softness. Of course girls love this.

I was alone at home, so I walked around the house. In lingerie. And in high heels, from mother. I felt the excitement. I moved differently than usual. Careful. Nice and straight. Elegant. I sat down. I lay down. I wrote something in my diary, but I was incredibly aware of my body while I was writing.

Riley had also brought a negligee, a fully transparent nightgown. How little fabric is in this, I wondered. It weighed almost nothing. When I threw it in the air, it took a very long time before it fell gracefully back on the bed. I took off the bra before I put on the negligee. Was I even wearing anything? What a lightness. And again I looked at myself, also in the mirror. I closed my eyes, and I felt. I stroked my body with my fingers. I walked, slowly. I sat down. I lay down.

While I was lying on the bed, the message came in.

"hi dreamgirl"

What guy would want his sweetheart to call him dreamgirl? I thought it was cute, and given the circumstances it was appropriate.

"hi silly" I answered.

"what are you doing?"

"nothing really" That wasn't a lie. "and you?" I asked.

“also nothing. i'm just lying on my bed."

"me too"

"what are you wearing?" I could have expected that question. But I didn't want to reveal the mystery yet.

"you'd like to know that, wouldn't you?"

"uh oh you're not wearing something ordinary"

"you can guess"

"a pretty dress?"


"a cute skirt?"


"So, a pair of pants :-("


"naughty girl". She did it again.

"yes" I typed.

"did Riley give it to you?"


"is it feminine?"

"ultimately "

"OMG you're wearing lingerie"




"come on, turn on your camera"


"are you gonna be a prude?"


"wait, i’m back in 5 minutes"

What was she up to? I couldn't have known. I stood up again, put on the heels again, and walked around a bit. I felt a bit like an angel. I walked slowly through the corridor again. I slowly turned around my axis, I held my arms outstretched a bit from my body, with my hands parallel to the floor. I was holding up nicely. I smiled.

"i'm back," she wrote. "guess what I'm wearing?"

I quickly figured it out. Of course she also put on something sexy.

"a nun's dress"

"almost right ;-)"

I didn't respond for a moment, a little bit to tease her. Her plan was clear.

"if you turn on your camera, i'll turn on mine," she wrote.

"that's blackmail"

"that's a fair deal"

Of course I was also curious about what she was wearing, so I turned on the camera, but I stayed out of the picture for a while.

"Here we go" I whispered. I scanned my body, so to speak, with my camera.  I moved slowly, and each time I showed a different piece. A hand, an arm, my neck, my belly, a leg... We could hear each other now.

"You're hot" she said silently "Show yourself in full now".

"No, first it's your turn."

Then I saw pieces of Raven on my screen. Her hand. Her elbow. Her shoulder. It was almost naked, there was only a thin white strap. She was wearing something white. I saw a bow, near her breasts. I think she was wearing a baby doll nightie. It was short, very short. I saw the top of her thigh. Her knee. Her calf. Her toe.

"I've been surpassed in hotness" I said

"I don't know about that yet. Can I see you all the way now?"

I put my device on my desk, but made sure I wasn't in the picture yet. Then I slowly paraded in front of the camera, twirled once as before, and then went out of the picture again.

"You sexy thing" she said

"Now you," I said.

And she also danced sensually in front of the camera for a while.

"Come on over here, baby," she teased.

I had to laugh, but also wondered if we weren't going too far.

"Raven, isn't this going a bit too fast?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we haven't been together that long..."

"Hey, wait a minute, it's up to the girl to tell us not to go too fast!"

"I guess I'll be then the most girly of the two of us, huh?"

"I wouldn't bet on that. Watch this." She stood in front of the camera, and slowly came closer. She had a red flower in her hair. She winked. And she showed her bosom in the camera. Up close.

"Who is the most girly of the two of us here?"

"I give in. I surrender. Your wish is my command."

"My wish is that you remain so cute and sweet. And that you love me as I love you."

"Easiest command ever. I love you."

She kissed the camera. I kissed the camera too.

Skylar's Diary - Day 33


  1. Oh ukkiezorro, This is all so sweet, all so perfect !!! i just LOVE it ALL !!! And this story makes me feel so peaceful and so happy !!! For once i shall remain relatively speechless !!! THANK YOU !!! O O x x O O Laurianna

    1. It's nice to read you liked it... xxx ukkiezorro
