Saturday, September 21, 2019

Skylar's Diary - Day 43

Shall I keep you in suspense, Dear Diary, or not? Shall I tell you now whether it worked out well or not? And shall I tell you already how I am feeling now, or not? Did I follow Meagan's advice, or not?

I'll start by saying that I was very nervous this morning. I could hardly eat a bite, and mother saw that I was tense.

"I'm sure it's all going to be fine today." I still wonder if she was really sure of that. Did she know what was going to happen?

However, there was no question of backtracking. That had become impossible, because everyone knew about it. It would have been a cowardly act.

I went to my room and put on my coming-out outfit, which I had bought the day before yesterday with Raven and Summer. Today I show it to you too, Dear Diary. You might remember the shoes, I wore them during my first girl time with Raven.

I also decided to wear a little makeup. I call it sub-threshold makeup. That means it's too little for boys to notice, but just enough for girls to see it. Girls do have better observation skills, you know. I had painted my nails in a brown-red color.

We had agreed that Raven would come to pick me up, even if she had to make a big detour. But today she wanted to do that for me. Then I would be more at ease. The nice thing was that she had also put on a pleated skirt and tights. Just to support me.

The first event was actually funny. Raven and I had only just left, and we met Mrs. Fuentes.

"Good morning, girls. On your way to school?" she asked.

"We are, but Skylar is a boy," Raven said.

"Haha, you naughty girl, you don't fool me. Skylar has always been a girl!"

Would Mrs. Fuentes be so confused now?

We quietly continued towards school, and Raven was her enthusiastic self again. I really appreciate that about her, because that made me more relaxed.

Suddenly I got a message. It came from Meagan.


"Whose is it?" Raven asked.

"From Meagan" I said.

And something came in again, this time from Riley.

"I think of you. I'm proud of you."

I let Raven read it.

"How sweet of her," said Raven.

"Yes, I think so too."

Then a message from Summer came in: "You rock, girl!!!"

I stopped. The messages kept coming in, especially from classmates.

"You're brave!" It was Devon's.

"I'm with you!" "Go go girl!" "Good luck!" "You're the best" "You're amazing" and so on.

Messages from people I knew, but also from unknown numbers.

Raven stood next to me. She laughed. I could tell from her face that she knew about this.

"Are you behind this?"

"Not just me. Summer and Devon too, we did some brainstorming."

"I'm not sure what to say. I think this is incredibly sweet of you. And of all those people."

"Come on, let's move on," said Raven.

My nervousness wasn't completely gone yet, but my fear certainly was. As we walked a few more messages came in, all encouragements.

The best was yet to come.

We arrived at school, and a lot of girls and boys from my class were waiting for us. Apparently the girls had agreed to all wear something similar: a pleated skirt with tights.

"Good morning, Skylar" "Hi Skylar, how are you doing today?" "You look great, Skylar" It all sounded mixed up. I still didn't know what to say, but I do remember walking around with a broad smile.

There were even a few guys with a 'special' outfit. Perhaps the most striking one was Devon, who had put on a pleated skirt above his trousers. We gave each other a hug. Summer was standing next to him. "He's not ready for tights yet," she said. "Whatever, Summer, I appreciate his gesture."

Liam had painted his nails. Noah was wearing a very girly bracelet. Ethan had a line under his eyes (drawn by Summer). Aiden was wearing a pink pullover with a unicorn from his sister. Asher was wearing a flower in his hair.

I loved it. This was also an idea of Raven, Summer and Devon. Can one have better friends than them?

So, Dear Diary, I don't have to keep you in suspense any longer. It all went well. What am I saying, it was a fantastic day. And I'm still blissful. It was impossible for me not to follow Meagan's advice.

It must have been a strange parade on our way to class. For a moment I thought of the other boys in the class, but I quickly pushed those thoughts aside. Focus on the positive, ignore the negative. I shouldn't make this a victory over them either. It was and is a victory over myself. Some of the boys might have given a strange look, maybe disapproving, but I knew I wasn't alone.

The teachers were aware of my coming-out, and they could appreciate the response of my classmates. They didn't pay much attention to it though, and that was fine by me. I want my new way of life to be something normal as soon as possible.

And as the day evolved, the situation became more normal. There was talk about other things. During the breaks the four of us mainly hung out together: Raven, Summer, Devon and me. Even after school we went for a drink together, to celebrate my special day. I brought Raven to her house, and hopped home. Of course I told my mother everything in all detail. She was happy, and so was and am I.

Do you know what I think now, Dear Diary? I think it's a pity that the day is over. Also this day can be included in the list of best days of my life. A message just came in:

"good night dreamgirl"

"good night silly love of my life"

To: Skylar's Diary - Day 78


  1. Dear ukkiezorro, i so very much loved your latest chapter of Skylar's story and was so happy to see that Skylar had such a positive day and was able with the help of his darling and supportive friends to overcome his fears in the debut of his "new normal". Your chapter does point to emerging social truths and new social psychologies. Before i offer any additional comments, might i suggest the use of the word "nervousness" rather than "nerviness" in your sentence, following: "My nerviness wasn't completely gone yet, but my fear certainly was." Of course, "nerviness" connotes a provocative attitude--he's so obnoxious and nervy, what "nerviness" of him to do / say that ! He's got a lot of "nerve" !!!--rather than the intimidated and fearful attitude which i feel you intended to convey for Skylar, but then i feel sure that you understand me. i have so much adored your writing. Skylar's story has had so much meaning for me. You write so very well, with such psychological acuity, that of course i am sorry to hear that your accounting of the awakening of Skylar's femininity may be winding down. Of course, writing so continuously and so well must be exhausting, and you should at some point pause to catch your breath, but i do feel that your voice is so very important, and i do hope that you may find a way to carry Skylar's story into what i do so much believe would be its most promising phase, the flowering of Skylar's femininity it all its rich detailing and profoundly lovely psychology. i personally believe the FEMININITY is a NATURAL state for many "boys" and that "boys" who are more naturally girls SHOULD be given the opportunity, SHOULD Be EN'COURAGE'D to Embrace the Joy of Living a Feminine Life, especially in the emerging world in which women are racing past equality to positions of dominance and control in our society. But, of course, these are all complicated topics, and yet unrealized dreams for so many. My thoughts are all-a-tangle. i shall look forward to your continuation and completion of your vision. It truly has been wonderful for me to dwell within your words. More later . . . For now a dash of Arpege and my own sweet and so truly ever so feminine dreams O O x x O O Laurianna

    1. Indeed, it took a lot of time and emotional energy to write this story. More than I could have imagined. It's still weird for me, since I had no big plan at the start. I just started writing, and one post followed the other. If I read the first posts again, I notice how I was still searching. Skylar's simple psychology matched well with my writing skill at that moment. Today I completed the story. At some point it had to stop, and for me the best moment was when Skylar's world emerged. Most of the tension disappeared in his life, and that was a goof place to end, although I agree that his development is still ongoing, but I leave it up to the reader to imagine how that will continue. Laurianna, I am enormously grateful for your continuous support, your uplifting and engouraging and inspiring comments. I wonder if I would have been able to go on without you. I also appreciate your thankfulness towards me, but I also think there is a lot of you in Skylar's story.
      I don't know yet what I will do next. Certainly, I will have a break now, since it has been an exhausting experience, as you say. There are some ideas emerging, and perhaps I'll post a few short 'comics' here and/or on tumblr. Perhaps I will start another longer story, but not in the coming months. Anyway, thanks again Laurianna, and enjoy the last chapter. xxx ukkiezorro

  2. Dear ukkiezorro, Please see the most recent posting in my tumblr "The Joys of Male Femininity" and please do let me know what you think. For the moment, i simply must pirouette away as my day is filled with such a jumble of tasks, which i just have sort out, accomplish and harmonize, and still find time for my beauty nap this afternoon !!! O O x x O O Laurianna

    1. What I think? That you are a wonderful woman! Of course I do not object against such an act of kindness. Thanks btw for the suggestion in your previous comment. Any author can use a good reviewer, and you're the best! xxx ukkiezorro

  3. Dear ukkiezorro, Thank you so very much for your exquisitely kind comment. Although i am quick to embrace your flatteringly thinking of me as wonderful woman, i could never claim to be a woman, but i do like to feel that over time that i have more and more and more and more become a joyously feminine being who so completely adores women and looks up to women and who has become so entirely comfortable in her own completely feminine role in relation to women. Over time this has come to feel so natural to me and has given me such happiness. Although late in life, i feel that i have been one of the lucky ones. Skylar is so fortunate to be surrounded in her youth by such wonderful and encouraging and supportive girls and women. Your wonderful chapters have so sensitively and brilliantly carried all of your readers with Skylar to the verge of her progressively completing her own natural feminine happiness as a lovely girl who perhaps can grow up to be a little like me, yes, so blessed to be protected by the women in her life and blithely accepting of her dependence upon women, as a sweet and lovely wife to a vibrant, wonderful, strong, independent woman. i suppose that it is a confusing world, but i do so hope that more young "boys" like Skylar can experience the closeness to their mothers and the happy girlhood that was so cruelly torn from me. Skylar has so much yet to learn, so many joys and happy satisfactions to discover and live, in all the details of her personal feminine presentation and style, hair, makeup, fashion, graceful movement, in her feminine domesticity, in the sweetness and goodness of her feminine psychology. It feels so amazing to me that we are so much closer to these possibilities in today's culture. i do so warmly and gratefully feel that your writing is such a hopeful sign of this and a support to the emergence of the new "fe-male". I know that your story of Skylar's rescue from the "video-game" alienation of "boyhood" to her joyous initiation into the joys and virtues of her femininity is coming to an end. i have no doubt that you will compose an affirmative ending that points to a brighter future. i am trying in my own little blog, "The Joys of Male Femininity" to promote this brighter future, and i know that i should try do better, but i am essentially a very private girl who is happiest simply to follow and to please women, who is so absorbed in her caring for her home, in caring for herself, in exercising and dancing, in nurturing her own beauty, in simply being, in simply pleasing, in simply nurturing her loved ones with all the love that so gratefully swells in her heart. Still, i do feel that all of us should do what we can to make our world healthier, more harmonious, more joyous, and, yes, more Feminine !!! Thank you for your important contributions, present and future, and thank you for the miracle of your reaching out to me in the first place. Our sharing has been such a lovely, such a wonderful gift to me. Words are never enough, dear ukkiezorro, and once again i simply have to dance off into my own beautifully feminine day. O O x x O O With my warmest heart's warmest and most grateful and adoring love, Laurianna
