Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Skylar's Diary - Day 5

After that exciting day yesterday, we took it easy today. We simply stayed at home. Shortly before Riley arrived, I quickly put on the shorts and the pink t-shirt, as well as the black flats.

"So, I thought you would never put them on again?" said Riley when she came in.

"I have to admit they're comfortable, and above all, they're very easy to put on and take off."

Riley smiled. A little too triumphant, I figured.

She had a bag of clothes with her (where does she keep getting them from?), but quite common things actually. I went through the heap, and eventually chose to wear simple black shorts (without pockets, so I couldn't be fooled), and a simple black top that was actually a bit too short, so you could see a piece of my belly. I tried to pull it down. "Don't bother," said Riley. There were some longer tops, but they were too girly. There was also a cardigan in the bag, and it was comfortable. 

"What are you wearing?" Riley asked. 

"You can see that, can't you? A cardigan."

"Can you describe it in words?"

"Erm, a knitted cardigan, light gray, slightly oversized, so loosely fitting."


Why does she ask that now, I thought, but I had a more urgent question "Riley, why do you want me to put on those girls' clothes?"

"Oh, I could talk about that for hours, and I promised to be honest with you. Let's sit in the living room in the couch. With a cup of tea or so?"

A little later we were sitting on the couch with a cup of tea, and cookies. Pretty cozy. 

"About the clothes, Skylar. It's not really about the clothes themselves, but about the impact they have. Do you remember how aware you were of your body when you got out of the car yesterday?"

"I really didn't feel comfortable."

"Indeed. You could say, they're just clothes, pieces of fabric that cover your body, but that's not how it works. Clothes do have an impact on what you think, how you feel. And I want to show you that there are other ways of thinking and feeling."

"I still understand, but then I might as well put on some crazy boys' clothes."

"That may be true, but we'd have to do really crazy things, and you'd look too eye-catching. Then maybe you'll do things that really don't suit you.  And to be honest, I also want you to explore your feminine side."

"What's that good for? I'm a boy after all."

"I know that, and I also think that you are actually a very cool boy. But everyone has both male and female traits, but boys tend to suppress the latter. We don't think that's good for their development. Look, women started exploring their masculine side a long time ago. They used to all be at home as housewives, but in the meantime they have started to study and work, and some of them run large companies or even countries. Their clothing has followed that trend. Girls used to have many restrictions, but now they wear anything. I say it: what you wear also determines who you are".

"But I don't want to be a girl!"

"That's really not the plan, Skylar. The goal is to explore. Out of your comfort zone. To wear other things, and consequently to think and feel differently. There are still so many options..."

"I guess I don't like it anyway."

"I understand that. These are internal barriers and taboos imposed by society. I want to help you to lift these barriers. And I want to break those taboos together with you. You will notice how liberating that is. Compare it with a roller coaster. Before you get in, you're a bit scared. But once you're in it, that fear turns out to be unfounded. Think of yesterday."

"I know what you mean. Afterwards, I found it exciting and actually also funny."

"I really appreciate you saying that. And then there's a second advantage. By doing this, you can better empathize with the lives of girls. Someone who can do that well, will benefit a lot from it. Wait, you'll see."

"Hmm, I doubt that."

We talked a bit more, also about very everyday things. About my school, about her work and her studies (she's in college, major psychology). Then she asked if I wanted to watch a movie. She had brought a DVD, "My Girl". Typical Riley. At first I thought I wouldn't like that, one of those old girl movies (made more than a decade before I was born). But it was actually a beautiful movie. It was a sad story. I tried to hold back, but at a certain point I started to snivel. But Riley was crying too. 

"Yes, that's number 7 on your list."

OK, there she had me. She also gave me a paper tissue. She had set them up beforehand, so sweet.

"And that's number 12", she said.

I took my list again, and numbered the items. So I can already check number 7. Number 12 is actually for Riley. I think I should mark number 11 for myself instead.


  1. Dear yukkiezorro: i LOVE that i can identify so very much with Skylar and even relive my own girlhood through her gradual introduction into feminine ways and the joys and pleasures of her natural femininity. i just wish that i had had such a wonderful guide as Riley, a young woman whom i could have naturally looked up to and admired (i looked up to and admired all the women in my life, young or more mature) to guide me so gently and so persuasively into becoming who i have always been but had to deny in myself for so many, many years. Happily, i feel, times are changing, certainly for women who now can be and do anything that want and hopefully for boys such as the young boy who i was, who just wanted to be pretty and dance and remain close to her mother and just be a girl who could grow up to become a perfect and lovely wife to a strong and beautiful woman. i know that there are many different dreams, and that is fine with me. i am just so happy that i am finally realizing my dream, and i am thrilled to see such fine narratives as yukkiezorro's, which reflect our changing times and surely will inspire mothers and girls to encourage and welcome "boys" like the "boy" who i was into the glorious and joyful world of femininity. i am so grateful for these stories. O O x x Laurianna Payot

    1. Thanks again for your kind words, Laurianna. Perhaps there are some differences, since Skylar does not know yet what he wants to become. However, I do hope that his journey goes in the same direction as what you would have wished. xxx ukkiezorro

  2. Yes, of course, i know, i understand. i tend to color everything with my own hopes and desires, but i do LOVE what you are writing as i have expressed. Honestly, i have been afraid that i may be following your writing too closely with my own enthusiastic commentary, so i feel that i should hold back a little from my chapter by chapter commentary. Anyway, i do thank you for these wonderful stories and i shall look forward to Skylar's progress through his-her checklist and whatever happiness may lie beyond . . . O O x x Laurianna

    1. You choose how often you comment. Whatever is comfortable to you. Every comment as nice as your's is appreciated very much.
      xxx ukkiezorro

  3. Oh you and Laurianna are so drawing a picture of how tomorrow's view of the sexes shall be SO REVERSED FROM THAT OF THE FALSE PAST.

    Future Females shall so command, conquer and acheive as the malette sex comes too realize all the false restrictions they forced upon the Superior Female turn into but dusty memories that Women shall correct.

    Yet as we sissy male underlings finally accept our properplace beneath our Female Masters... They shall be far more merciful to us as Their subordinates than the false 'manly' manner in which we acted.

    (okay.... we shall have to get used to quite increased laughter from Them at our expense as They see us as the 'sissies' we really had been all along. They'll probably NEVER get enough of us delicately and ladylike holding the hems of our skirts daintily dipping in obedient curtsy to Their orders.
