Sunday, July 28, 2019

Skylar's Diary - Day 2

Today Riley dropped by again. So, she had a whole bag of clothes with her, and we had agreed that I would fit a few things. They were all girls' clothes, but Riley had promised that we would keep it simple. Dresses and skirts were not included. I'm not ready for that yet (if that ever would happen).

Today's plan was that I would just give it a try. Riley asked me to try things on all the time, and then I had to say what I thought of it. We had put the big mirror in my room. Riley was certainly well prepared. Almost everything she had with her fitted me, never too big or too small. Some things were really too girlish for me. Shorts that were so wide that they looked like skirts, tops with all kinds of frills, or tops with flowers or hearts. They didn't suit me. Eventually I chose a denim short and a pink blouse.

"Great choice, Skylar, it looks good on you."

"Do you think so? I still find it very strange. Aren't these shorts too slim?"

"No, that's how it should be. Roll up your sleeves a bit, that looks better. Do you think it's OK if I take a picture?" 

"Oh no, not at all, who knows what you'll do with it."

"Oh, but I don't mean with my camera, but with yours. So you always decide what happens to it."

"OK then."

"OK, then stand up and look at me. You know what? We're going to do it a bit girly already. Keep your arms stretched out next to your body, but slightly away from your body, that's it. And keep your hands parallel to the floor. That's right, that's so cute. And now a little smile. Awesome!"

"Why do you want to take that picture, Riley?"

"That's just for you. If you write in your diary, you can add that picture to it. That's a good thing to look back at later."

In a way, I thought it wasn't too bad. Riley was very supportive, and quite sweet to me. She made it very playful, so I joined in. Actually I liked it a lot, but it doesn't have to go any further than this for me.

To: Skylar's Diary - Day 3


  1. i have absolutely adored ukkiezorro's page on tumblr and i am just thrilled that she is venturing into what already promises to be an enchanting serial fiction of a young boy's acculturation into all the lovely pleasures and happiness of girlhood and femininity. What i especially love about this series is its promise of healthy affirmations of femininity for boys, a beautiful world from which so many of us were torn in our earliest youth with such sad consequences. So, for me, this new initiative is a source of joy and health and offers a positive vision of a happier future which hopefully is dawning. Thank you ukkiezorro !!! With my warmest gratitude and enthusiasm O O x x Laurianna

    1. Thanks Laurianna for your kind and supportive words. This (very first!) comment definitely encourages me to continue. I share with you the view in which direction the story should go. I hope you enjoy the future diary pieces as much.
      ukkiezorro xxx

  2. I share Laurianna's perspective. A great Tumblr is expanded upon here, as so many of us wanted to explore our fledgling femininity growing up.

    Thank you, ukkiezorro!

    1. You're welcome, Kimmi. Thanks for your continuing support, also on tumblr!
