Sunday, July 28, 2019

Skylar's Diary - Day 1

Hello, Diary. So today Riley came by. So she is going to teach me all kinds of things. At first sight she looked pretty nice (below I paste a picture from her profile page), and she was also friendly, but the conversation... Man, man, what's in store for me! I don't think I will go along with this. Anyway, I promised again to do my best, but I also said that I don't think this will work.

Do you know what I have to do? Wear girl's clothes! Yes, really! 
Wait, I'll try to replay the conversation. First I asked, "But what are we going to do then?"

" Fun things, but things you haven't done yet. So, girl things."

"And why should we do that?"

"It's important to experiment at your age. The more experiences you get, the happier you will be later on. That has been proven. It also has something to do with gender, but I'll tell you more about that later. And you shouldn't worry. If you really don't want to do something, we won't do it."

"But what are we going to do? Tomorrow, for example."

"The first sessions will take place at home. Tomorrow I'll take a whole bag of my clothes with me to put on..."

"Why do you want to try on clothes here tomorrow?"

"Not me, silly, you!"

"What, should I try on girl's clothes? Well, that's not going to happen. I'm not a sissy."

"Skylar, I might go a bit fast, but I don't want to mislead you either. By the way, I think the word sissy is inappropriate and I'll never use it."

"But do you want me to become a girl?"

"No, certainly not, really. You will be the person you want to be. I sincerely promise you that. Trust me. Again, we are not doing anything that you really oppose."

I still don't understand what that's good for, wearing girls' clothes, but it can't hurt. When I'm at home wearing those clothes, no one will know. I finally promised Riley that I would do it, and then we'll see. I think I won't like it.

To: Skylar's Diary - Day 2

1 comment:

  1. Oh how Riley is so initiating what modern strong willed Females see as Their right to correct all past Herstory's incorrect notion of Females not being the Superior Sex.... so deftly She is already on Her way to re-educating Skylar as to the TRUE differences between being either Female Master or mere malette underling...
